Unexpected adjustments by the EMA to regulatory data post-submission can catch companies by surprise, potentially leading to complex invoice verification and traceability. Furthermore, in the course of PMS migration it harbors the risk of incorrectly migrated XEVMPD data which might lead to usability issues with the electronic application form.
With these hurdles in mind, we are introducing the drugTrack PI (Product Information) View Edition: an intuitive and self-explanatory solution meticulously designed to address these challenges. Crafted to aid in verifying authorized product information and facilitating seamless migration amid the EMA's transition, our software not only ensures compliance but also drives significant cost and effort reduction for your operations.
Hosted on our cloud, the PI View Edition provides a cost-effective and intuitive solution that can easily be upgraded to the regular drugTrack license at any time.
Find out what LORENZ drugTrack PI View Edition can do for you

Ensure data accuracy & control
Verify chargeable unit reports effortlessly with drugTrack's PI View Edition, ensuring correctness and control over charges from health authorities

Streamline data migration
Utilize drugTrack's PI View Edition to ensure accurate data migration to PMS, identifying errors and facilitating re-submission of product information

Visualize data flexibly
Customize layouts, filters, and tags with drugTrack's PI View Edition to meet various stakeholder needs, ensuring accessible data for different contexts

Reports according to your needs
Customize reports individually with selected and specific information, and choose between exporting data in PDF or Excel format to meet stakeholders' diverse requirements

Future-proof registration formats
Stay ahead with drugTrack as it expands to support additional registration formats like SPL or IDMP, offering consistent benefits across various registrations

Seamless cloud deployment
Benefit from hassle-free deployment in the LORENZ Cloud, ensuring your authorized data is kept separate and secure without the need for local system maintenance