What is LORENZ ID?
It is all about helping you manage your non-core activities. We store and provide you with access to everything that you will receive from LORENZ - that way, even if you inadvertently lose something - such as a training certificate or documentation from our user conferences LORENZ Connect and LORENZ Converge - you will find it all again here.
Privacy is critical to us: We will NOT share any of your contact details with anyone - ever. We will not quietly introduce changes to privacy settings, because we do not have any. All of your information is private and confidential!
All your information in one place.
Training certificates, LORENZ Connect and LORENZ Converge documentations, video streams from our various events, product documentation as well as product release sheets: all of these are stored here and can be accessed with your LORENZ ID.

How do I start?
In order to obtain a LORENZ ID, you must first have some form of business contact with us. You could be a customer or a user of one of our free products.
If you are ready to go, please start here: