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Lorenz Converge Conference

The next LORENZ Converge conference is planned for September 30 - October 1, 2025 in Denver, Colorado

LORENZ Converge is the successor of our European LORENZ userBridge and our North American LORENZlink, combining the two events into one worldwide user conference held alternately in Europe and North America. The topics of this annual event range from regulatory requirements and processes, to health authority updates, changes in the regulatory IT affairs landscape, and the latest innovations.

LORENZ Converge is the perfect platform for a comprehensive exchange of ideas and discussion of skill sets and success factors, as well as for networking and sharing practical experiences.

The LORENZ Program Committee invites you to leverage your experience and share your knowledge with experienced participants from regulatory agencies, industry, consulting, and academia, by submitting a presentation or tutorial abstract.

Experience LORENZ Converge

Valuable insights from our attendees

Find out what LORENZ Converge offers you


Meet new and familiar faces from the regulatory world at LORENZ Converge and exchange ideas with them


Get involved in interesting conversations with LORENZ staff members and other participants from industry and agencies

Knowledge transfer

Learn about the latest trends in the regulatory affairs world from renowned speakers

Product news

Dive into new product developments and see them in action

Shape the future

Discuss the future of regulatory affairs with us and give feedback on how our solutions can help make your work life easier

LORENZ family feeling

Experience the unique atmosphere of LORENZ user conferences

Impressions from some of our past on-site conferences

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